Bring Your Own Device Program

From Grade 3 at Silverton we have implemented a successful BYOD program for many years now.
At the end of Grade 2, we send home the option's for your child going into Grade 3. Below is an outline of the options available.


School Mission Statement:-

The Learning and Teaching culture at Silverton PS inspires learners to inquire, reflect, show curiosity and to be well rounded active learners ready to face the challenges of the future.

A strong home school partnership is established and nurtured for every child to foster their social, emotional, physical, intercultural and academic development. Each child is supported to reach their full potential.

Our students are motivated to become life-long learners who develop respect, compassion, caring and understanding for their role as a global citizen.

Silverton PS is recognised worldwide as a high performing, innovative and highly technological rich school and our student results support this.




Plan Options

At Silverton we offer a range of Plans for families.

Click here for 2024 plan options