The Numeracy Program at Silverton Primary School aims to be relevant and applicable to 21st century learning whilst developing increasingly confident, sophisticated and refined students who are able to demonstrate mathematical understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem-solving in everyday mathematical situations.
We aim to develop the confidence of all students in everyday problem-solving and reasoning skills through the use of explicit teaching, project-based learning, small group focus work and hands-on opportunities for independent and partnered practise. All areas of the Victorian curriculum are investigated including; Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability.
Maths InvestigationsMaths Investigations allow students to explore and apply mathematical concepts of the Victorian Curriculum to their everyday lives.
Workshops & Numeracy GroupsAll students attend weekly numeracy classes which are designed to meet the individual needs of all students in a smaller group setting. These sessions aim to build knowledge; while increasing skills, fluency and confidence.
Extension and InterventionThe varying needs of all students are met through the use of extension and intervention programs. These various programs are delivered by specialist teachers who aim to address the specific needs of all children. (Some examples of these programs include; EMU program – Extending Mathematical Understanding, Maths Extension Classes, Victorian Coding Challenge, VHAP)
Digitial Technologies in Mathematics
At Silverton Primary School, students use a range of digital technologies to support and enhance their learning. Laptops and iPads are available in all learning areas with a range of apps available to support student learning. Each student also has a Mathletics account providing opportunity for further practise in the classroom and at home. Other digital devices such as BeeBots and Spheros are used within the mathematics classroom to increase student engagement and provide other opportunities for making connections to real life.
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